Kurt Siehr
Kurt Siehr is a research associate at the Hamburg Max-Planck-Institute of Comparative and International Private Law, Germany. Previously, he was Lecturer, Associate and Full Professor of private law, private international law and comparative law at the University of Zürich Faculty of Law (1981-2002); and Research Assistant and Research Associate at the Hamburg Max-Planck-Institute of Comparative and International Private Law (1963-1991). He is a member of the Swiss Society of International Law; German Society of International Law; German Council of Private International Law; International Law Association; Groupe européen de droit international privé; German Society of Comparative Law. Professor Siehr received his PhD at the University of Zürich Faculty of Law, Switzerland, and studied law at Hamburg, Germany and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. https://www.mpipriv.de/1068042/siehr-kurt